Thursday, October 31, 2019

Biopsychosocial Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biopsychosocial Case Study - Research Paper Example She provided a delightful, detailed impressive discussion of her past which was in no way connected to her present situation. She discussed irrelevant topics in a cute and charming manner and if the psychiatrist expressed irrelevance and changed the topic, she would become irritated and petulant. Another feature characteristic of histrionic personality disorder in Hilde was her attitude of putting the blame and responsibility of her present difficulties on some one else, other than herself. For example, Hilde stated that her husband was indifferent to her and that she suspected that he was seduced by one of his secretaries. She attributed her somatic symptoms to her husband's indifference towards her. Persons with histrionic personality disorder have interpersonal relationships that are often disrupted, shallow and insincere and emotionally, they overreact to even ordinary situations (Bienenfeld, 2009). When Hilde was pressed hard about her husband's interactions, she could not provi de any meaningful account of his relationship with the suspected secretary or the indifference attitude with her. Persons with histrionic personality disorder are excessively emotional and the emotions are labile. They exhibit attention-seeking behaviour. They are very dramatic and are frequently seductive or sexually provocative. They often suffer from somatoform disorders (Bienenfeld, 2009). Hilde suffered from frequent headaches and the physician has found it difficult to diagnose and treat the disorders Persons with histrionic personality disorder are usually emphatic and also socially perceptive. Hence, they tend to elicit new relationships easily. However, due to their emotionally insensitive nature, they lack the insight of their role in their own relationships and hence to do accept any blame for the inevitable problems in their relationships. Thus, they are closer to the defense mechanism of paranoid patterns of personality. In a parallel interview with Hilde's husband, he admitted that originally, he was attracted towards Hilde because of her physical attractiveness, social status and lively nature. However, over a period of few years, he realized that her love towards him was just a chronic flamboyance and that she never had an integrated personality. It was clear to him that her liveliness was not exuberance and her physical attractiveness was declining naturally, although, Hilde was spending enormous time and money to keep it up. Hilde's husband felt that Hilde was childish and superficial Individuals with this personality are often flirtatious and seduce others sexually (Bienenfeld, 2009). But, for those who follow such clues from these individuals, they do not get paid off much. Histrionic personality is more common in females and in males and infact, they appear ultrafeminine. Intellectual accomplishment is very low in these individuals. As far as analysis thought is concerned, there is deemphasis and hence these individuals are gullible, drama tic and impressionable. While Hilde described her children as wonderful and exceptionally bright and happy, Hilde's husband provided a picture that their behaviour was analogous to that of Hilde and they were spoilt and had academic difficulties. Biological, psychological, and social factors involved in the case Several factors probably contributed to the development of histrionic person

Monday, October 28, 2019

Place Essay Example for Free

Place Essay When we visited them, we ate in their simple kitchen built with bamboo floors. They came wearing traditional Filipino dresses. They looked so beautiful for me (in their old age and single blessedness), and the kitchen smelled like fresh flowers. The other kitchen I can remember is the kitchen of my grandmother in a far remote place, along the Pacific Ocean. My grandmothers kitchen is a big kitchen built of wood. Imagine how old houses looked. There was firewood, big cooking utensils, as if theyre always serving 100 people everyday. There were sacks of rice piled on top of the other. Chickens were roaming in the backyard, down the back kitchen door. I dont know why I can always remember kitchens, even when I go to other homes, in different places. I love that kitchen part of the house. Many people say The kitchen and the toilet are very important rooms in the house. They must be kept clean and orderly at all times. Now, I have my own kitchen where I raised my kids. And as theyre grown ups, I like to work and write here. When I read Afred Kazins The Kitchen, it delighted me by what Kazin saw in the life of her mother. He focused on the kitchen room as the largest room and the center of the house. It was in the kitchen where his mother worked all day long as home dressmaker and where they ate all meals. He writes: The kitchen gave a special character to our lives; my mothers character. All the memories of that kitchen were the memories of my mother. In his essay, Alfred Kazin remembers how her mother said, How sad it is! It grips me! though after a while, her mother has drawn him one single line of sentence, Alfred, see how beautiful! Article Source: http://EzineArticles. om/4722428 This sentence-combining exercise has been adapted from The Kitchen, an excerpt from Alfred Kazins memoir A Walker in the City (published in 1951 and reprinted by Harvest Books in 1969). In The Kitchen, Kazin recalls his childhood in Brownsville, a Brooklyn neighborhood which in the 1920s had a largely Jewish population. His focus is on the room in which his mother spent much of her time working on the sewing she took in to make extra money. To get a feel for Kazins descriptive style, begin by reading the opening paragraph of the selection, reprinted below. Next, reconstruct paragraph two by combining the sentences in each of the 13 sets that follow. Several of the setsthough not allrequire coordination of words, phrases, and clauses. If you run into any problems, you may find it helpful to review our Introduction to Sentence Combining. As with any sentence-combining exercise, feel free to combine sets (to create a longer sentence) or to make two or more sentences out of one set (to create shorter sentences). You may rearrange the sentences in any fashion that strikes you as appropriate and effective. Note that there are two unusually long sets in this exercise, #8 and #10. In the original paragraph, both sentences are structured as lists. If you favor shorter sentences, you may choose to separate the items in either (or both) of these lists. After completing the exercise, compare your paragraph with Kazins original on page two. But keep in mind that many combinations are possible. The Kitchen* In Brownsville tenements the kitchen is always the largest room and the center of the household. As a child I felt that we lived in a kitchen to which four other rooms were annexed. My mother, a home dressmaker, had her workshop in the kitchen. She told me once that she had begun dressmaking in Poland at thirteen; as far back as I can remember, she was always making dresses for the local women. She had an innate sense of design, a quick eye for all the subtleties in the latest fashions, even when she despised them, and great boldness. For three or four dollars she would study the fashion magazines with a customer, go with the customer to the remnants store on Belmont Avenue to pick out the material, argue the owner downall remnants stores, for some reason, were supposed to be shady, as if the owners dealt in stolen goodsand then for days would patiently fit and aste and sew and fit again. Our apartment was always full of women in their housedresses sitting around the kitchen table waiting for a fitting. My little bedroom next to the kitchen was the fitting room. The sewing machine, an old nut-brown Singer with golden scrolls painted along the black arm and engraved along the two tiers of little drawers massed with needles a nd thread on each side of the treadle, stood next to the window and the great coal-black stove which up to my last year in college was our main source of heat. By December the two outer bed-rooms were closed off, and used to chill bottles of milk and cream, cold borscht, and jellied calves feet. Paragraph Two: 1. The kitchen held our lives together. 2. My mother worked in it. She worked all day long. We ate almost all meals in it. We did not have the Passover seder in there. I did my homework at the kitchen table. I did my first writing there. I often had a bed made up for me in winter. The bed was on three kitchen chairs. The chairs were near the stove. 3. A mirror hung on the wall. The mirror hung just over the table. The mirror was long. The mirror was horizontal. The mirror sloped to a ships prow at each end. The mirror was lined in cherry wood. 4. It took the whole wall. It drew every object in the kitchen to itself. 5. The walls were a whitewash. The whitewash was fiercely stippled. My father often rewhitened it. He did this in slack seasons. He did this so often that the paint looked as if it had been squeezed and cracked into the walls. 6. There was an electric bulb. It was large. It hung down at the end of a chain. The chain had been hooked into the ceiling. The old gas ring and key still jutted out of the wall like antlers. 7. The sink was in the corner. The sink was next to the toilet. We washed at the sink. The tub was also in the corner. My mother did our clothes in the tub. 8. There were many things above the tub. These things were tacked to a shelf. Sugar and spice jars were ranged on the shelf. The jars were white. The jars were square. The jars had blue borders. The jars were ranged pleasantly. Calendars hung there. They were from the Public National Bank on Pitkin Avenue. They were from the Minsker Branch of the Workmans Circle. Receipts were there. The receipts were for the payment of insurance premiums. Household bills were there. The bills were on a spindle. Two little boxes were there. The boxes were engraved with Hebrew letters. 9. One of the boxes was for the poor. The other was to buy back the Land of Israel. 10. A little man would appear. The man had a beard. He appeared every spring. He appeared in our kitchen. He would salute with a Hebrew blessing. The blessing was hurried. He would empty the boxes. Sometimes he would do this with a sideways look of disdain. He would do this if the boxes were not full. He would bless us again hurriedly. He would bless us for remembering our Jewish brothers and sisters. Our brothers and sisters were less fortunate. He would take his departure until the next spring. He would try to persuade my mother to take still another box. He tried in vain. 11. We dropped coins in the boxes. Occasionally we remembered to do this. Usually we did this on the morning of mid-terms and final examinations. My mother thought it would bring me luck. 12. She was extremely superstitious. She was embarrassed about it. She counseled me to leave the house on my right foot. She did this on the morning of an examination. She always laughed at herself whenever she did this. 13. I know its silly, but what harm can it do? It may calm God down. Her smile seemed to say this. v John d. hazlett Repossessing the Past: Discontinuity and History In Alfred Kazins A Walker in the City Critics of Alfred Kazins A Walker in the City (1951)1 have almost always abstracted from it the story of a young man who feels excluded from the world outside his immediate ethnic neighborhood, and who eventually attempts to find, through writing, a means of entry into that world. It would be very easy to imagine from what these critics have said that the book was written in the same form as countless other autobiographies of adolescence and rites-of-passage. One thinks imme- diately, for instance, of a tradition stretching from Edmund Gosses Father and Son to Frank Conroys Stop-Time, as well as fictional auto- biographical works such as James Joyces Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. We are encouraged in this view by the publishers, Har- court, Brace World, who tell us on the cover that A Walker in the City is a book about an American walking into the world, learning on his skin what it is like. The American is Alfred Kazin as a young man. Even the most thorough of Kazins critics, John Paul Eakin, writes of A Walker that the young Kazins outward journey to America is the heart of the book. 2 One of the few reviewers who noticed those elements that distin- guish this memoir from others of its kind was the well known Ameri- can historian, Oscar Handlin. Unfortunately, Mr. Handlin also found the book unintelligible: If some system of inner logic holds these sec- tions together it is clear only to the author. It is not only that chronol- ogy is abandoned so there is never any certainty of the sequence of events; but a pervasive ambiguity of perspective leaves the reader often in doubt as to whether it was the walker who saw then, or the writer who sees now, or the writer recalling what the walker saw then. Epi- 326 biography Vol. 7, No. 4 sodic, without the appearance of form or order, there is a day-dreamy quality to the organization, as if it were a product of casual reminis- cence. 3 Handlins charge that the memoir lacks a system of inner logic is incorrect, but he does identify a number of qualities that dis- tinguish A Walker from other coming-of-age autobiographies. One option that is not apparently available to autobiographers, as it is to novelists, is the removal of the authors presence from the narra- tive. And yet autobiographers do manage to achieve something like this removal by recreating themselves as characters. That is, we can distinguish between the author as author and the author as character (an earlier self). In some autobiographies of childhood, where the nar- ration ends before the character develops into what we might imagine to be the autobiographers present self, the writer may never appear (as writer) in the narrative at all. The earlier selves in such autobio- graphies remain as characters. Where the autobiographer appears as both character and writer, however, the distinction is by no means always clear. If the autobiographer actually follows the progress of his earlier self to the narrative present, then the distinction disappears somewhere en route. One can, in fact, distinguish between types of autobiographies according to the strategies they employ to achieve this obliteration of distance between earlier self (as character) and present self (as writer). Kazin has complicated this aspect of his autobiography by recreat- ing two distinct earlier selves: his child self and an adult self, the titu- lar walker. It is this aspect of his memoir that sets it apart from other coming-of-age autobiographies. In none of the conventional works in this sub-genre is the present narrative I so conspicuous a figure (not only as a voice, but as an active character) as it is in Kazins book, and in none of them is the chronological reconstruction of the past so pur- posefully avoided. His memoir, unlike most autobiographies of adoles- cence, is just as much about the efforts of the adult walker to recapture his past self as it is about his earlier attempts to go beyond that self. By granting his present self equal status with the re-creation of his child- hood, he has produced a hybrid form. The central characteristic of that form is the parallel relationship between the quest of the young Kazin to achieve selfhood by identify- ing himself with an American place and a portion of its history, and the quest of the older Kazin to resolve some present unrest about who he is by recovering his younger self and the locale of his own past. The former quest is that story hich critics say the memoir is about, but the latter is located in the memoir on at least two levels. Like the Hazlett repossessing the past 327 childs quest, it is narrated, in that Kazin actually tells us of his return, as an adult, to Brownsville, but its significance is manifest only on an implicit level; we must infer why the quest was undertaken. 4 Kazin emphasizes the symmetry of these two quests by describing each of them in phrases that echo the other. In the first chapter of the memoir, the adult Kazin, walking through the streets of the Browns- ville neighborhood in which he grew up, describes what it means to him: Brownsville is that road which every other road in my life has had to cross (p. 8). By going back and walking once again those familiarly choked streets at dusk (p. 6), he is reviewing his own his- tory in an attempt to settle some old doubts about the relationship between his past and present selves. In similar language, Kazin describes at the very end of the memoir how the boys search for an American identity finally expressed itself in a fascination with Ameri- can history, and in particular with the dusk at the end of the nine- teenth century which was, he thought, that fork in the road where all American lives cross (p. 171). The parallels that we find in language are repeated in the means by which the young boy finds access to America and the adult finds access to his younger selfA—by walking and by immersing himself in the his- torical ambiance of an earlier period. I could never walk across Roe- blings bridge, he says of himself as a boy, or pass the hotel on Uni- versity Place named Albeit, in Ryders honor, or stop in front of the garbage cans at Fulton and Cranberry Streets in Brooklyn at the place where Whitman had himself printed Leaves of Grass, without thinking that I had at last opened the great trunk of forgotten time in New York in which I, too, I thought, would someday find the source of my unrest (p. 72). The young Kazin initially found his way out of Brownsville and into the America of the nineteenth century by walk- ing into an historical locale. It is again by walking, by going over the whole route (p. 8), that the adult Kazin sets out to rediscover his child self in the streets of Brownsville. One may detect, however, an ironic tension between these two quests. The childs search is the immigrant scions search for an Amer- ican identity. It is, in part, the psychological extension of the parents literal search for America, and, in part, the result of his parents ambivalence about their own place in the New World. The most sig- nificant frustration of the young Kazins life was over the apparently unbridgeable discontinuity between them and us, Gentiles and us, alrightniks and us. . . . The line . . . had been drawn for all time (p. 99). This discontinuity represented to him the impossibility of choos- 328 biography Vol. 7, No. 4 ing a way of being in the world. Eventually, it takes on larger meaning in the childs mind to include the distance between the immigrants past in Russia and the late nineteenth century America of Teddy Roosevelt, between poverty and making out all right, between, finally, a Brownsville identity and an American identity. In the childs quest, these petty distinctions I had so long made in loneliness (p. 173) are overcome through a vision of the Brooklyn Bridge that allowed him to see how he might span the discontinuities that left him outside all that (p. 72); and through the discovery of a model for himself as a solitary singer in the tradition of Blake, my Yeshua, my Beethoven, my Newman and a long line of nineteenth century Americans (p. 172). The final element of his victory over them and us, however, was the substitution of Americas history for his own Brownsville history and his familys vague East-European his- tory. His parents past, he said, bewildered him as a child: it made me long constantly to get at some past nearer my own New York life, my having to live with all those running wounds of a world I had never seen (p. 9). To resolve this longing, he says, I read as if books would fill my every gap, legitimize my strange quest for the American past, remedy my every flaw, let me in at last into the great world that was anything just out of Brownsville (p. 172). The adult walker, on the other hand, is searching for the child he once was and for the world in which he grew up; his intention is to re- create his old awareness of the adolescents gaps so that he might resolve them. By the time Kazin begins his retrogression to childhood, ten years have elapsed since his final departure from Brownsville (p. ) and (assuming that the narrative present is also the writers present) some twenty years have elapsed since the final scene of the book. Dur- ing that period, the writer has undergone a peculiar transformation. The adolescents strange quest for an American identity through the substitutio n of Americas past for his own has culminated outside the frame of A Walker in the writing of On Native Grounds,5 a book that is obsessively and authoritatively alive with American history. The young boy has grown up to become one of Americas established literary spokesmen; he has become one of them. In becoming the man, the child has not, however, closed the gaps; he has simply crossed over them to the other side. As a child, Kazin thought of himself as a solitary, standing outside of America (p. 172); as an adult autobiographer, he stands outside of his own past. The adults attempt to imagine his own history, there- fore, begins with the significant perception of his alienation from his Hazlett repossessing the past 329 wn child self and from the time and place in which that self lived. Brownsville is not a part of his present sense of himself, it must be given back (p. 6) to him; and going back reveals a disturbing dis- continuity. The return to Brownsville fills him with an an instant rage . . . mixed with dread and some unexpected tenderness (p. 5). He senses again, he says, the old foreboding that all of my life would be like this (p. 6) and I feel in Brownsville that I am walking in my sleep. I keep bumping awake at harsh intervals, then fall back into my trance again (p. 7). The extent of his alienation from his former self is attested to in the last of Kazins memoirs, New York Jew, where he writes that A Walker was not begun as an autobiography at all, but simply as an exploration of the city. Dissatisfied with the barren, smart, soulless6 quality of what he was writing, Kazin kept attempting to put more of himself into the book. Finally, he says, I saw that a few pages on The Old Neighborhood in the middle of the book, which I had dreamily tossed off in the midst of my struggles with the city as something alien to me, became the real book on growing up in New York that I had wanted to write without knowing I did. 7 There is, naturally, a good deal of irony in this, as well as some pathos, for although Kazin does not expressly acknowledge the rela- tionship between the two quests, it seems clear that the young boys search for an American identity entailed the denial of his own cultural past. Ultimately, this denial necessitated the writing of the book, for the adults search is for the self he lost in his effort to become an Amer- ican. The adults problem is not resolved within the narrative, how- ever, but by the narrative itself. It is the writer who establishes the con- nection between his earlier, lost self and his adult self. In doing this, he completes the bridge to America. The writer in this sense may be distinguished from the adult walker who is, like the young Kazin, merely a character, a former self, within the memoir. In formal terms, the two quests that comprise the narra- tive material of the memoir make up its fabula; the resolution of both quests is to be found only in the coexistence of these two selves in the narrative as narrative. The resolution, in other words, is accomplished by formal, literary means. It is enacted by the memoirs sujet. Given these two quests as the key to the memoirs form, the general structure of the book may be schematized as follows: Chapter I: The walker returns literally to his childhood neighbor- hood and imaginatively to childhood itself. Chapter II: The walker stops and the autobiographer (distinguished 330 biography Vol. 7, No. 4 here from the walker) contemplates the psychological/symbolic cen- ter of childhood, the kitchen. Chapter III: The walker literally returns to the scenes of his adoles- cence and imaginatively to adolescence. Chapter IV: The walker stops and the autobiographer (again, distin- guished from walker) contemplates the psychological/symbolic cen- ter of adolescence, the rites of passage. The use of this structure naturally gives rise to some difficulties of perspective. Mr. Handlins observation that there are at least three dif- ferent points of view: the walker who saw then, or the writer who sees now, or the writer recalling what the walker saw then was apt, even though he could not see that the complexity of perspectives fol- lowed a fairly careful pattern. An analysis of what those points of view are, and how they work together, must begin with the recognition that all earlier perspectives, both the walkers and the childs, are recreated in the writers voice, which mimics them in a very complex form of lit- erary ventriloquism. Given this, one may recognize that within the narrative the writer, the single informing point-of-view, speaks in three different voices: his own as writer, the voice of the adult walker, and the voice of the child. Each of these voices gives rise to variations in narrative technique. In chapters one and three, the writer uses a fictive device to create the illusion that no recollection of the adult walkers perspective is neces- sary in the act of transferring his walking thoughts to the written word. The voice of the adult walker, an earlier self who made the trip, is identified with that of the writer by the frequent use of the present tense: The smell of damp out of the rotten hallways accompanies me all the way to Blake Avenue (p. 7). In these chapters, the walkers memories of childhood are emphasized as memories because his physi- cal presence and voice call attention to the context and the mechanics of remembering. Thus, from the moment the walker alights from the train at Rockaway Avenue in chapter one, the text is sprinkled with reminders that this is the story of the adult walker pursuing the past through cues from the present: Everything seems so small here now (p. 7), the place as I have it in my mind I never knew then (p. 11), they have built a housing project (p. 12), I miss all these ratty wooden tenements (p. 13). Similarly, in chapter three, after Kazin steps away from the more disembodied memory of his mothers kitchen: the whole block is now thick with second hand furniture stores I have to fight maple love seats bulging out of the doors (p. 78), I see the barbershop through the steam (p. 79). Hazlett repossessing the past 331 In both of these chapters, the writer/walkers imagination seizes upon and transforms the landmarks of an earlier period of his life. The literal journey back to Brownsville becomes a metaphorical journey backward in time so that the locale of the past becomes by degrees the past itself: Every time I go back to Brownsville it is as if I had never been away. It is over ten years since I left to live in the cityA— everything just out of Brownsville was always the city. Actually I did not go very far; it was enough that I could leave Brownsville. Yet as I walk those familiarly choked streets at dusk and see the old women sit- ting in front of the tenements, past and present become each others faces; I am back where I began (pp. 5-6). This is, in fact, what gives the book that quality of casual reminis- cence that Mr. Handlin found so unsatisfactory. Kazins technique in chapters one and three is much like that of a person rummaging through an attic full of memorabilia. Each street, each shop serves to spark a particular memory. There is, of course, a danger in this kind of writing. It teeters constantly on the brink of random sentimentalism. The walker always presents the past in a hypermediated form, never through the coolly objective (and hidden) eyes of the impartial self- historian that characterize most conventional autobiographies. This is particularly true when he indulges in nostalgia, as he does when the walker inspects that part of his neighborhood which has been rebuilt as a housing project. There he subjects us to a series of iterated fondnesses, each beginning with the nostalgic I miss (p. 3). But in spite of this flirtation with sentimentality, the walkers presence is not merely an occasion for self-indulgence. In the context of the whole memoir, it clearly serves instead to highlight the drama being played out between the quest of the child and the quest of the adult. As the walker nears the two significant centers of childhood and adolescence, in chapters two and four respectively, he underg oes a transformation. The mediatory presence of the walker disappears, leaving only the disembodied autobiographical voice of conventional memoirs. Unlike the first and third chapters, in which each memory was sparked by actual relics from the past, these chapters take place entirely in the autobiographers imagination. To mark this change, chapter two opens with the writers memory of a previous memory of his mothers kitchen which he compares with his present recollection of it: the last time I saw our kitchen this clearly was one afternoon in London at the end of the war, when I waited out the rain in the entrance to a music store. A radio was playing into the street, and standing there I heard a broadcast of the first Sabbath service from 332 biography Vol. , No. 4 Belsen Concentration Camp (p. 51). This is the voice, not of a rum- maging memory, but of pure disembodied memory. The vision of the kitchen is not sparked by another visit there. In fact, at the opening of chapter two we lose sight of the walker for the first time. The adult Kazins presence is signalled in chapters two and four, not by reference to his present surro undings, but by verb tense alone: It was from the El on its way to Coney Island that I caught my first full breath of the city in the open air (p. 37); although at times, he intrudes into the narrative by referring to his present feelings: I think now with a special joy of those long afternoons of mildew and quiet- ness in the school courtyard (p. 136). The adult walker, however, does not appear in these chapters at all. This transformation, from walker to disembodied memorial voice, draws the reader along the path followed by the adult quester: from the streets of the walkers Brownsville to the streets of the childs Brownsville. As the quester nears his goal, the present Brownsville fades from view. The narrative strategy of A Walker recreates the adults quest by revealing the increasing clarity and intensity of his perception of the childs world. The walkers mediatory presence, initially so conspicu- ous, deliquesces at crucial points so that memory becomes a direct act of identification between rememberer and remembered. The present tense of the walkers observations becomes the past tense of the walkers recollections which becomes the past tense of the writers memory which, finally, becomes the present tense of the childs world. The final identification of writer and child occurs in the two most intense moments of the memoir: at the end of The Kitchen (chapter two) and toward the end of Summer: The Way to Highland Park (chapter four). The first instance follows immediately upon the writers recollec- tion of the power of literature to bridge the gaps between himself and another world. He recalls the child reading an Alexander Kuprin story which takes place in the Crimea. In the story, an old man and a boy are wandering up a road. The old man says, Hoo! hoo! my son! how it is hot! (p. 73). Kazin recalls how completely he, as a young boy, had identified with them: when they stopped to eat by a cold spring, I could taste that bread, that salt, those tomatoes, that icy spring (p. 73). In the next and final paragraph of the chapter, the writer slips into the present tense: Now the light begins to die. Twilight is also the minds grazing time. Twilight is the bottom of that arc down which we have fallen the whole Hazlett repossessing the past 333 long day, but where I now sit at our cousins window in some strange silence of attention, watching the pigeons go round and round to the leafy smell of soupgreens from the stove. In the cool ofthat first evening hour, as I sit at the table waiting for supper and my father and the New York World, everything is so rich to overflowing, I hardly know where to begin, (p. 73) The place and the vision in this curious passage are the childs, but the voice is clearly the adults. Just as the child once tasted the bread, salt and tomatoes of his literary heroes, so now the adult writer achieves an intense identification with his own literary creation: his child self. He sees with the childs eyes, smells with the childs nose, feels the childs expectant emotions, but renders all these perceptions with the adults iterary sophistication. The intensity of expectation which the writer attributes to the child is amplified by the intensity of the writers expectation that the forthcoming richness is as much his as it is the childs. The childs expectations are, ultimately, of that New York world which he discovers in the following chapter. The writers expectations are of a comple tion of identity which can be accom- plished only through the mediation of form. Twilight and the New York World have become formal touchstones in the literary recreation of his self. The second instance takes place toward the end of the memoir and like the first, it immediately precedes a significant passage through to a world beyond the kitchen. Like the first, it also is a recollection of his home, at twilight, in the summer. And to emphasize its signifi- cance as a literary act, the writer echoes the Kuprin passage here: The kitchen is quiet under the fatigue blown in from the parched streetsA—so quiet that in this strangely drawn-out light, the sun hot on our backs, we seem to be eating hand in hand. How hot it is still! How hot still! The silence and calm press on me with a painful joy. I cannot wait to get out into the streets tonight, I cannot wait. Each unnatural moment of silence says that something is going on outside. Something is about to happen, (p. 164) The pages which follow this merging of writer and child, and which end the book, complete the childs emerging vision of his bridge to America. In these pages; the writer employs a new method of recap- turing and re-entering the past. The walk to Highland Park is under- taken by the adolescent and is recalled by the adult in the past tense, but it is given immediacy by the frequent interjection of the adverbial pointers now and here: Ahead of me now the black web of the 334 biography Vol. 7, No. 4 Fulton Street El (p. 168). Everything ahead of me now was of a dif- ferent order . . . Every image I had of peace, of quiet shaded streets in some old small-town America . . . now came back to me . . . Here were the truly American streets; here was where they lived (p. 169). The effect is peculiar, but appropriate. By using the adverbial pointers, here and now, together with the adults past tense, Kazin is able to convey the eerie impression that he is, finally, both here, in the adults present, and there, in the childs past. The bridge between them is complete. The complexity of perspective and structure in Kazins memoir caused Mr. Handlin to observe that chronology is abandoned so there is never any certainty of the sequence of events. In most autobio- graphies, the inevitable discontinuities between present and past selves are overcome by the construction of a continuous, causally developed, and therefore meaningful, story. By purposefully avoid- ing such a reconstruction with its solid assumptions of the reality of the selfs history and the ability of language to convey that reality with- out serious mediatory consequences, Kazin refocuses our attention on the autobiographer/historianA—not the past as it was, but history as recreated by the imagination. Self-history in A Walker is not continu- ous and linear, but spatial; the past is not a time, but a place. For the youth, it was a place from which he wanted to escape. For the adult, it is a place to which he fears to return (the old foreboding that all my life would be like this) and to which he feels he must return in order to complete and renew himself. The childs world seems timeless; it is frozen in a tableau, like a wax museum, in which the adult can explore, in a curiously literal manner, his own past. That some of the figures are missing or that the present may actually have vandalized the arrangement of props, only intensifies its apparent isolation from adult, historical life. This difference between the timelessness of childhood, as we per- ceive it in the memoir, and the adults implied immersion in history may illuminate the nature of the quest upon which the autobiographer has embarked. We can see, for instance, that the motivation which lies behind the quest for identity is grounded upon assumptions about the nature of life in history. The discontinuity felt by both the child and the adult is not simply between a Brownsville identity and an Ameri- can identity, but between the Timelessness which childhood repre- sents and History. Burton Pike, writing from a pyschoanalytic perspective, has sug- gested that autobiographies of childhood in general reveal a fascination Hazlett repossessing the past 335 with states of timelessness: the device of dwelling on childhood may also serve two other functions: It may be a way of blocking the ticking of the clock toward death, of which the adult is acutely aware, and it may also represent a deep fascination with death itself, the ultimately timeless state. 9 The adults return to Brownsville becomes, in this view, a journey motivated not simply by a desire for completion of identity, but also by a desire to escape the exigencies of historical life- death, as Pike asserts, and, perhaps more obviously, guilt. The writing of A Walker, Kazin says in New York Jew, was a clutch at my old innocence and the boy I remembered . . . was a necessary fiction, he was so virtuous. 10 What is of particular interest in Kazins memoir, however, is the manifest content of the childs quest whic h offers a counterpoint to Pikes useful analysis. The fascination in A Walker, works both ways: the adult longs for the childs timeless world and the child longs for the adults sense of history. Moreover, as the adolescent stands outside of America, he longs not only to possess a history of his own, but to enter history. The child is never interested in the past for its own sake; he wishes to be one of the crowd, to be swept along in the irrevocable onward rush of political and social events. Entering history for him is the clearest and most satisfying form of belonging. Kazins memoir is not, therefore, reducible to a psychoanalytical model. Since he always handles the issue of life in history consciously, it is difficult to approach the relationship between the autobiographer and time as though the writer were himself unaware of the implica- tions of his subject matter. His escape from history through the recovery of childhood was, at least on one level, a very conscious rejec- tion of the autobiographical form dictated by Marxist historicism and chosen by many leftist writers during the 30s, the period of his own coming-of-age. Writers in this older generation felt that successful self re-creation, both autobiographical and actual, could be accomplished only by determining ones position vis A vis a cosmic historical force. 11 Kazins choice of autobiographical form was partly a response to the effect that this philosophy had had on him as a young man. In his sec- ond memoir, Starting Out in the Thirties, Kazin recalls, with disillu- sionment, the sense of exhilaration that accompanied his own histori- cism during the Great Depression: History was going our way, and in our need was the very life-blood of history . . . The unmistakable and surging march of history might yet pass through me. There seemed to be no division between my efforts at personal liberation and the appar- ent effort of humanity to deliver itself. 12 One might argue, of course, that as an autobiography of childhood, 336 biography Vol. 7, No. 4 A Walker does not deal with the historical world, and therefore can- not address the problems of historicism. But to do so would be to ignore the overwhelming importance which Kazin places upon the relationship between the individual and history in all of his writings, and in particular in his autobiographical work. By emphasizing the adults role in the reconstruction of the child, and by creating a paral- lel between the older mans reconstruction of his childhood and the childs reconstruction of the American past, Kazin locates the source of historical meaning, whether personal or collective, in the historian and undermines historicisms claim that the past possesses meaning independent of human creation. Kazin does not, however, advocate a view of identity divorced from collective history, nor does he value the personal over the collective past. More than most autobiographers of childhood, Kazin has the sensibilities of a public man, a writer very much in and of the world. As we descend with him into the vortex of his reconstructed past, the larger world that he is leaving is always present or implied. More- over, Kazins return to his lost innocence provides more than a mere escape from history because the childhood he reconstructs was full of a longing for history, as we have seen. The childs Whitmanesque dream that he could become an American by assimilating Americas past was born of a belief that the collective past might somehow deliver him from us and them, from the feeling that as isolated indi- viduals (outside of history) we are meaningless. By 1951, when he wrote A Walker, he had indeed been delivered by his dream out of iso- lation, but the post-War, post-Holocaust America in which he found himself was not the one which his history had promised. It is in this context that the return to childhood must be read. The young Kazin had dreamed that collective history would be the salvation of the self; the older Kazin, even while remaining committed to collective history, realized that history, far from providing our salvation, was the very thing from which we must be saved. The power of A Walker ulti- mately derives from the tension between this commitment to our col- lective fate and the belief that our only salvation from that fate lies in a consciousness of the past. The adult walkers reconstruction of his childhood may have begun as an effort of the historical self to connect with an apparently ahistorical self, but the ironic achievement of that effort was the discovery that the earlier self had, in fact, been firmly grounded in history, the history of first generation immigrant Jews. The peculiar intensity with which Kazin identifies his personal past with the collective past raises questions about the relationship of both Hazlett repossessing the past 337 o the larger question of life in history and makes A Walker an interest- ing example of the options available to contemporary American auto- biographers. A Walker rejects the historicism of the 30s and the forms of the self that such historicism produced, but nevertheless maintains the belief that the self is never fully realized until it has defined its rela- tionship to the issues of the times; that is, to historical issues. It is precisely this belief which distinguishes Kazins autobiogra phy from other coming-of-age memoirs. On the surface, it appears to appeal to a private and psychological explanation of the self, but finally it relies firmly upon the belief that only the determination of our relationship to collective experience can provide our private selves with worth. This belief provides the motivation for the two quests discussed in the first half of this essay. In a Commentary article published in 1979, Kazin wrote that the most lasting autobiographies tend to be case histories limited to the self as its own history to begin with, then the self as the history of a particular moment and crisis in human history . . 13 In its presenta- tion of the latter, A Walker reflects not only the struggle of a first-gen- eration immigrant son to become an American, but also the struggle of the modern imagination, which has lost faith in either a divine or a cosmic ordering of history, to recreate a meaningful past. The life of mere experience, Kazin says in that article, and especially of history as the suppo sedly total experience we ridiculously claim to know, can seem an inexplicable series of unrelated moments. In A Walker, the child and the adult are both motivated by the autobiographical belief that history still constitutes meaning and identity; both yearn for con- tinuity. But by focusing on the context in which the past is reclaimed, Kazin emphasizes the difficulties and limitations of his task and places it on the insecure basis which attends every human effort to create meaning. Such an approach to the relationship between history and the self demands finally that the walker be able to tread a tightrope between the reality of the past and the solipsism toward which a reliance on imagination and language tends. Burton Pike has stated that as the twentieth century began, belief in History as a sustaining external principle collapsed, and suggests that the term autobiography cannot accurately be said to apply to twentieth century forms of self-writing since it might best be regarded as a historical term, applicable only to a period roughly corre- sponding to the nineteenth century; that period when, in European thought, an integrity of personal identity corresponded to a belief in the integrity of cultural conventions. 14 By using as his examples 338 biography Vol. 7, No. 4 authors who had come to autobiography from the Modernist move- ment (he mentions Musil, Stein, Rilke, Mailer), Pike has certainly overestimated the impact of Modernism (which relativized and internalized time) on our basic conception of history. Even within the literary community (and particularly among those, like Kazin, who were raised in a leftist political tradition), there was widespread resis- tance to ideas of time that impinged upon the nineteenth century notions of history. The weakest point in Pikes argument is, in fact, his failure to acknowledge the strength of the Marxist legacy in twentieth century thought, and in particular the effect of historicism on modern autobiographies. Even Kazins A Walker, in spite of its rejection of ideological historicism and its attention to the subjectivity of the self- writer, retains a belief in history as fate. Perhaps the significance of Kazins book lies in its revelation of one mans response to the dilemma of his generation: their vision of the self, which was shaped and sustained by historicism, collapsed just when they were about to enter upon the stage of history. Confronted with the collapse of this sustaining external principle autobio- graphers committed to the idea of life in history were faced with the difficult task of defining anew how one might transcend the inexplic- able series of unrelated moments that constitute our daily experience. Kazins return to childhood in A Walker is one answer. Other autobio- graphers are still trying, with varying degrees of success, to find sub- stantial historical movements and directions with which to structure the past, give meaning to the present, and help predict the future. Even a cursory glance at contemporary autobiographical writing reveals that there are many ways to do this; most clearly it can be seen in the increasing numbers of autobiographies written by members of newly self-conscious groupsA—Blacks, women, gays, a generation. The belief held by each of these groups that their time has come is a form of historicism (frequently unconscious) that allows the individual autobiographer to transcend mere experience by identifying him/herself with the historical realization of the groups identity. They provide ample evidence that autobiographies, even at this late post- Modernist date, remain both a literary and a historical form. 15 University of Iowa NOTES 1. A Walker in the City (New York: Harcourt Brace ; World, 1951). AU subsequent references to this book will be given in the body of the text. Hazlett repossessing the past 339 2. John Paul Eakin, Kazins Bridge to America, South Atlantic Quarterly, 77 (Win- ter 1978), 43. This article provides an excellent summary and discussion of the coming-of-age aspect of the memoir. Readers interested in a thorough reading of the memoir are referred to Sherman Paul, Alfred Kazin, Repossessing and Renewing: Essays in The Green American Tradition (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. , 1976), pp. 236-62. 3. Oscar Handlin, rev. f A Walker in the City, Saturday Review of Literature, 17 November 1951, p. 14. 4. One might add that most autobiographies are structured in this way: on the one hand, the explicit journey of the youthful I toward manhood, and, ulti- mately, toward a complete identification with the narrative I; on the other hand, the implicit journey of the adult, narrative I backward in time to find an earlier self, Kazins memoir is distinguished by the wa y in which it makes this second journey such an important and explicit aspect of the narrative. . (New York: Harvest, 1942). 6. New York Jew, (New York: Vintage, 1979), p. 313. 7. New York Jew, p. 320. 8. Kazins loss of his childhood is reflected indirectly in On Native Grounds, the monumental literary history that culminated his search for an American past. That work conspicuously omits any discussion of the contribution of Jews to American literature. Thus, Robert Towers remarks in Tales of Manhattan (New York Review of Books, May 18, 1978, p. 2): The great immigration of East European Jews passes unnoticed, as though it had never happened as though it had not deposited Alfred Kazins bewildered parents on the Lower East side. So powerful has been the subsequent impact of Jewish writing upon our consciousness that it seems incredible that Kazin should have found noth- ing to say about its early manifestations in a history so inclusive as On Native Grounds. 9. Time in Autobiograph y, Comparative Literature, 28 (Fall 1976), 335. 10. New York Jew, pp. 232 and 321 respectively. The return to childhood as renewal through reconnection with an earlier, innocent self is common to many auto- biographies and most eloquently expressed in William Wordsworths The Prel- ude: There are in our existence spots of time,/That with distinct pre-emi- nence retain/A renovating virtue, whence . . . our

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Effects Of Terrorism Tourism Essay

The Effects Of Terrorism Tourism Essay Terrorism has deep history since the cold war but this issue became most salient after terrorist attacks in September 11 2001 and July 7 2005. According to U.S department of state (2002), more than 3000 people of different nationalities were killed in the terrorist attacks in September 11, 2001. These attacks were the conspicuous example of terrorism on global level. Terrorism affects businesses around the world in both the long term and short-term. Czinkota (2004) cited that terrorism influenced long-term karma of entire industries, for example tourism, retailing and manufacturing industries. There are number of definitions of terrorism, which are complex and deliberate different dimensions. Alexander et al (1979) define terrorism as a threat or absolute use of enforcement and inclemency to achieve a political goal bye means of intimidation fear, and coercion. The beginning of 21st Century changed the world drastically and the first reason behind this was the incident, which occurred on September 11 2001. The devastating terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. On this date, the whole world came into shock when America was under attack. The second incident, which happened on 7 July 2005 in London added fuel to fire. As both these countries are the main economies of the world, these incidents had a hue impact on businesses all around the world. In this assignment, we will try to find the overall impact of these incidents left on the United Kingdom businesses. We will also focus our attention on the changes and new developments which happened, after these two events, in UK organizations. This threat of terrorist attacks poses a continuous atmosphere of risk for all businesses in UK. This risk itself creates extension for treatment of risk in management theories. The majority of management literature theories adopt the term uncertainty as a factor of unpredictable environment, which may influence the performance of organization in certain ways. The environment effected by terrorism also has a factor of unpredictability in it. 2. Effects of terrorism on UK economy and businesses: According to the European Commission 2001 report, terrorists direct their attacks against businesses for more than any other target. Terrorism can bring any organisation or economy to its knees because of its fear and businesses fear for more attacks may happen, so they afraid to operate as normal. Increasing cost of security and putting new systems in place can cost huge amount of money to businesses ultimately decrease in the market value of businesses? Terrorism has its massive effects on UK economy and business activities. It affects deleteriously on businesses strategies and most businesses operating in the effected areas gets impact from the thrust of government policies to quell terrorism. Businesses internationally and locally are particularly affected by terrorism because when incidents like 9/11 happen, it disrupts the supply chain and disturbs business activities in addition to interrupting information flows. It also effected on the industrial demand as well as consumer demand. This falling demand may have different outcomes which may comprises of losses of customers contracts, customer trust, reduced share of the market and a significant decline in sales, all of which could lead to business failure. For example according to the report of BBC 22 July 2005, Bombs will cost just UK tourism alone; Â £300 million. Terrorism has direct effect on UK organizations, somehow indirectly affects on buyers, which definitely declines in buyer demand creates unpredictable shifts, interruption in supply chain, disruption in the flow of policies, regulation and also has a wide impact on the macroeconomic factors of the country. Czinkota et al (2004) cited that over all every factor in economy gets the impact of terrorism and definitely responds to the action of terrorism. Modern terrorism is particularly onerous, because of characteristic of its time. The impact of terrorism on macroeconomic is crucial, customers feel themselves in stress and some kind of continuous fear, which definitely effects the spending patterns. When terrorist attacks happened in New York and London, they affected businesses in a direct and indirect way and disrupted the economic process. Both of these attacks were on the main economic cities of the world trade. To make the effects of the terrorist activities stronger, terrorist groups targeted public and private organizations. Businesses are more attractive target for terrorist as their presence is everywhere and their aftermaths are deeper on society and on the economics. 2.1 Direct effect of terrorism on businesses: Direct effects of terrorism comprise of instant and immediate consequences of terrorism. According to London Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2005 report, after the World Trade Center attacks, the IFM downsized its forecast of UK economic growth by 0.6% from 2.4% to 1.8% and according to Office of national Statistics data UK actual growth was 1.6%, which was weakest economic growth for more than a decade. According to the Institute of Directors report in 2002, after New York attacks 20% of private organizations had increased business security, 52% of organizations carried regular risk assessment to assess their vulnerability to attack. The effects of 7th July 2005 London bombings on UK organizations was even severe than the September 2001 attacks. The business confidence in London has slumped to the lowest levels not seen since the eve of Iraq War 2003. Number of UK organizations was expecting that the economy will improve in coming year but a dramatic slump given the -16% balance seen in the first quarter of the year. In August 2005, The Bank of England reduced Interest rates by one-quarter percent to improve economic conditions. The attacks brought bad time for the London not just in seasonal but economic term as well. According to Time Online (2005) UKs economic growth was seen to be the weakest since 1993. Many organizations respondents reported that their employees were scared to travel on public transport and preferred to travel by cars or taxies which lead to increased travel costs. For the people and organizations, which effected individually the loss was quite tragic. Moreover, direct effects include sudde n increase in cost of product, decrease in production and output of firm, and loss of valuable human capital. 2.2 Indirect Effect: 2.2A Change in consumer demand heterogeneously: While the indirect effects of terrorism in UK include prominent decrease in buyer demand, unplanned shifts and negative interruption in supply chain. Its also compel authorities towards the new policies and their immediate implementation. Indirect effects also include foreign relations of the UK organizations and countrys governments, which affects trade. According to Loewenstein et al (2001) specifically indirect effects contains demand of consumer that may interrupt the deal of purchase or supply. It is evident that industry operates according to the demand of buyer. This is infecting a widespread of common fear of individuals, which in results decline in demand of industrial goods. Daniel Steel (2008) narrates that economic research also has roots in correlation and among behaviour and emotion. The negative emotions like state of fear definitely effects consumer behaviour, even after the happening of those events Czinkota et al (2004) narrated that there may be need of making of policies, laws, and regulations for public and private organization in reaction to these terrorist attacks. Whilst these actions are intended to improve security conditions, they also cause delays in efficient business operations. 2.2B Indirect effects on organizational operations: The other indirect effects of terrorism on UK organizations was discontinuity in supply of essential goods, services and resources and sometime unplanned shifts. These problems cause serious impact on the operation of organizations. In July 7 London terrorist attacks on local transportation and logical system (supply chain) effects badly on businesses around London. Due to suspension of supply chain all businesses struggled and also decrease in efficiency of organizations. It is common problem, while in terrorist attacks, the short-term shortage of services, good, input raw materials and components occurs; it took certain time to recover from this kind of shortage. 2.2C Macro economic phenomenon: The macro economic phenomenon of London and New York terrorism was visible decline in per- capita income, decrease or sudden change in stock market value and increase in unemployment. Such trend affects the UK economy and consumer expectation. The long run impact was decrease in export and declines in GDP and tax revenues and the living standard of people. 3. Dealing Terrorism Shaped BCCM Planning: In this part we will critically analyse the different management approaches and strategies, which could be helpful for organizations to deal with the global crises like September 11 2001 and London Bombing 2005. In this part of the assignment will evaluate performance and adaptation of suitable strategy by organizations on different kind of business activities and scrutinize the different business strategic views, which an organization can adopt for minimizing the effects of terrorism. We will also discuss different ways that organizations can benefit in term of increase in profit and minimise the impact of terrorism. With the threat of terrorism, organizations have to focus on the particular resources which are available to deal with these threats. Except terrorism, there are some other threats (financial and non-financial) which are also effect the organizational performances at the same time, organizational management have confine resources and mental steam to deal with effects of terrorism. 3.1 General strategy: According to Alexander Dean C (2004), terrorism is a possibility, or it leads toward appearance of other possibilities. This kind of act effects producer and as well as consumer psychology, its behaviour of consumption and its buying patterns. The impact of terrorism effects specifically in economic, industrial, political and legal context of external environment. 3.2 Consider Terrorism as a factor while planning: Within the significant increase in risk of terrorism and uncertainty in the field, now all UK organizations are making policies or developing future strategies by considering terrorist threats. Organizations also need to include terrorism as a risk factor; selecting and targeting the potential threats and indentifying the different sources of threats are the most important tasks for organizational managers, while developing future strategies to grow and run the business locally or globally. 3.3 Sourcing, production and distribution: By considering the operation of the organization in value chain that directs it toward production of products and their development. Increasingly most of the UK organizations are getting their supplies from all over the world. The bitter risk of terrorism affects the internationally complex system of value chain. Mostly terrorist groups attack on the sites of organizations and their logistic system directly or indirectly. The indirect impact of terrorism is the imposition of new rules and regulations, which emerges suddenly in the reaction of attacks by the government sectors which cause disruption in value chain movements. Due to the negative interruption in supply chain, it causes difficulties for organizations to fulfil the production orders and customer demand. Due to tight security regulations at borders of all countries, a lot of the businesses have difficulties while fulfilling their operations. For example, Royal Mail suspended vehicles from moving between central London sites and in and out of London for the bulk of the day in July 7 2005. At least 25% of UKs mail move through London every day even if the final destination is elsewhere. The distribution and logistics are one of the most important direct and in direct impacts of terrorist attacks on UK organizations, thats why this became the duty of senior managers to incorporate the risk of supply chain in their future planning. Mentzer (2001) cited that most of the organizations have established system of value chain, which may helps organizations in getting raw material and goods from their suppliers and necessary components from all over the world. This is common practice for various organizations, due to globalization decrease in trade barriers and a secure supply chain infrastructure and advance telecommunication sources. The risk of terrorism is a major threat and challenge for the supplier organizations. As long as the organizations are expending their businesses around the world, the impacts of risk are also increases on the operations of the organizations. Accordingly, organisations have to plan the arrangements to reduce the thrust of terrorism and its consequences on the supply chain structure of companies. According to Ghemawat and Del Sol (1998) overall the companies focuses themselves to find out the other possibilities in order to make available the supplies for dealing in the competitive envi ronment in the emergent of risky conditions. Flexibility directs towards versatility, which is a potential to act alter activities and apply adapted activities, for fulfil the need of the specific situation. 3.4 Consequences of terrorism on Pricing: Organizations have to change price plans according to change in environment. Pricing is one of the fundamental factor which effects with the impacts of terrorism. For example in UK after Terrorist attacks, the insurance rates charged by insurance firms in big cities (like London, Manchester) where terrorist attacks occurred or had a higher chance of occurring, were much higher compare to small cities. Transportation companies may also charge a higher rate for carrying goods from or to risky areas. Similarly, uncertain environment of business pulls organizations to think about their pricing strategy. The sudden effect of terrorism is increase of necessary products like oil and food supplied etc. because of their shortage. Transportation companies charge higher fairs because of high risk to move into that area. Organizational management have to keep in view uncertainty while defining and developing the pricing strategy. The situation of commodity market is relatively different, where prices may fluctuate quickly with the flow of information, the price must soften in for those commodities. 3.5 Global strategy vs. multi domestic strategy: All UK organizations those who adopted multi domestic strategies had relatively less impact of terrorism of 07 July 2005 and 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks than those adopted global strategy. As far as the risk and fear of terrorist attacks increases, the theories emphasise more on multi domestic strategy in contrast with global strategies, which establish more meaningful ways to deal with uncertainty. According to Ghemawat and del Sol (1998) some of the resources may reduce the flexibility of organizations which in results cause interruption in performance of the business internationally, these resources are highly location specific and according to the demand of local markets. 4. Conclusion London is an economic centre and making the capital safer to do business in should be national priority for the Government. Different research suggest that London business community is not safer than it was before 07 July 2005 attacks. According to LCCI report, majority of UK organizations still perceive that there is very high risk of terrorist attacks in London again. This perception has fallen since last year and more than half of UK organizations have contingency plan in place to deal with terrorism effects on business. Studies show that the economic impact on UK organizations has not been as severe as initially feared. Many organizations resumed services on 7 July 2005 and next day they started delivering as normal. Many organizations, those who had no contingency plans, started work to have one and other started to update their existing plans to minimise the effects of these attacks. However many UK organizations revealed that 9/11 and 7/7 terrorist attacks had vary little tangible impact on them and business confidence had affected for the short period. However, it had huge impact on very important sector of London economy such as tourism, transport (trains and airlines) and retail sector. UK employment market has not increased since 7th July 2005 attacks but employment terms were already bleak in London before attacks. Many organizations were expecting unemployment would increase in coming years before July 2005 attacks. Nevertheless, in reality London economy shook off the impacts of 11 September 2001 and 7 July London terrorist attacks. It is evident from history that an unexpected and lengthy critical situation affects performances of organizations. The terrorist attacks in London and New York gave deep shocks to the businesses. Sometimes messages from these terrorist groups, that they can attack anywhere with extremely harmful weapons, results in businesses losing confidence and increased costs to the businesses and economy. Many organizations still have fear of terrorist attacks on the businesses although the UK government is trying to protect the public and private organizations. The targets of the terrorist are usually both kind of locations, public buildings like agencies etc, and private sector like business offices of staff of companies. At present majority of organizations are well prepared for any sort of sudden and unexpected terrorist event compared to July 2005. The basic purpose of this study is to identify the impact of terrorism on businesses and how BCCM planning can help UK organizations to reduce the impact of terrorist attacks. For minimizing the impacts of terrorism managers develops different kind of strategies and sometimes managers can easily recover loss and can get continuous increase In profit if they choose right strategy for pricing in the response of terrorist attack. 5. Recommendations: All organizations need to provide educational programs to all staff regarding terrorism and help them to prepare themselves for unexpected events like terrorism. Government needs to provide intelligence support to help deal with terrorism effectively. Businesses need to strengthen the relationship between themselves for detecting and fighting terrorism. To encourage organizations, government need to offer disaster recovery loans and other loan guarantee programs to help organizations to recover form destruction of terrorism. As the threat of terrorism increasing, so while evaluating international and domestic marketing strategies, managers have to consider effects of terrorism on businesses. In order to targets markets managers have to select those markets and industry zones where the threat of terrorism is at lowest or comparatively less effected. As the rapid increase in the risk of terrorism, it is necessary for organizations to discover and develop the methods of supply chain and other channels of distribution, and adopt new strategies for logistics related channels. For long term, prospective organizations may bring diversification in their supplies, by increasing in the number of supplier.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Stress: Unavoidable Necessity :: Essays Papers

Stress: Unavoidable Necessity Experiencing stress is a very common sensation. It is easy for everybody to describe its symptoms, but defining stress itself is more complicated because stress requires psychological and medical concepts to give an exact and understandable definition. "Stress is a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium. It is a physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension" (The New Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language). Scientists started to think, in the late nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, that diseases are caused by external factors, like bacteria, thanks to the discovery of Rudolph Virchov, a German physician, and Louis Pasteur, a French doctor. However, the mental aspect was totally ignored at this time (Levi 15-16). The study of stress is inseparable from the study of psychology or psychiatry, which were not recognized before medicine started to change. Indeed, medicine specialization was born because the tools for examining patients were too sophisticated for any doctors to know how to use all of them. As a result, heart doctors, eye doctors, ear doctors, etc., appeared (Levi 16). While medicine became more and more efficient because doctors were increasingly qualified in their own skills, scientists started to be aware that in addition to their bodies patients had a mind which could suffer and influence the development of a disease. Psychiatry was born (Levi 16-17). Clea rly, science realized that stress could affect the body. Everybody should be aware that a disease could occur because of a mental problem, especially because of stress. This health issue will be discussed by explaining, on the one hand, what can cause stress by taking into account the nervous system, the psychosomatic tendencies, and the modern world. Then, on the other hand, the effects of stress and how the body reacts against it will be looked at. Finally, some solutions to fighting stress will be presented. Where does stress come from? Most scientists agree that stress is the result of a situation where too many problems or difficulties take place at the same time. For the person who lives in such circumstances, it becomes impossible to manage and to find any solutions for his or her difficulties. As a result this person feels oppressed by the situation and becomes stressed. Of course, everybody reacts in a different way in the face of unfortunate events, and for many people it is easy to manage stress, which is the normal reaction, without any damage to the body.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Realism and Its Role in US War Against Iraq Essay

Presence of biological warfare, inhumane leadership, anti-democracy; these were the reasons which were proclaimed in the past explaining US war against Iraq. I believe that US spearheaded by then President Bush played Realists in their decision-making vis a vis the issue at hand. Tony Blair himself admitted few months after US won Iraq over their Head of State, Saddam Hussein, that there were no biological warfare proven to be under the custody of the latter’s government. Moreover, most nations believe that despite Hussein’s dictatorial means, he was nonetheless feared hence was able to maintain peaceful coexistence between two Islamic yet conflicting groups- the Sunni and Shi’ite. As regards, the question of the absence of democratic government in Iraq, isn’t the establishment and sustainability of any government dependent on its constituents/nationals? Who is the United States to take away the chance from Iraq’s own people to deal with their own government and its leader should there be a question of legitimacy? Perhaps, guided by Realist perspective of International Relations, the following reasons are more truthful; security, statism, and self-help. Military power according to Realism is a measure of political power relations among states alongside economic power. States are rational and unitary actors whose decisions are always based on a calculation of survival and national security. There is the absence of universal principles while the only guide of states in an anarchic set-up is pragmatic assessment of other state’s actions in solving problems. How then are these helpful in the analysis of US intentions toward Iraq? US seeking to maintain its global dominance would have to sustain military power. While Liberals and Idealists thought world peace could be attained and that no more wars shall ever exist, US apparently showed that war is still a solution and a means to furthering state gains. Oil is Iraq’s source of wealth and power. If that was the only missing link to US’ superiority, by all means, US would get hold of it. Oil promotes military and economic power. It also gives US security against threats from North Korea. Hence, for me, it was the desire of the Bush administration to retain hegemonic status- free from external threats of every form that made US enter into a catastrophic war.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on War Is Real

The U.S. moves coincide with reports from Afghan officials in the border area that the United States and its allies were readying another major operation against members of the al Qaeda network and Afghanistan’s Taliban militia, which was ousted from power last year. The United States has blamed al Qaeda for the Sept. 11 attacks on the Pentagon and New York. Advertisement U.S. military officials yesterday reported two firefights in the area, in which U.S. and Australian special forces troops killed four al Qaeda fighters. Army Maj. Gen. Franklin L. â€Å"Buster† Hagenbeck, the U.S. ground commander in Afghanistan, said the two fights occurred northeast of Khost, about a mile from the Pakistani border. In the first incident, Australian forces were attacked with mortar and rocket-propelled grenades, and returned fire, killing two, according to Australian military officials. In the second clash, Hagenbeck said, U.S. and Australian troops ambushed fighters who were moving near Khost before dawn yesterday, killing another two. The operation that appears to be looming promises to be smaller and more diffuse than the offensive against al Qaeda fighters by U.S. and allied forces in the Shahikot region west of Khost in early March. In that battle, which the U.S. military refers to as Operation Anaconda, al Qaeda fighters had dug-in positions with heavy weapons, such as long-range mortars and machine guns configured to shoot down aircraft. TRACKING HANDFULS OF FIGHTERS Cement was poured in some areas to provide firing platforms for the mortars. A communications wire ran from an entrenched position atop a 10,000-foot-high ridge to a nearby bunker serving as a command center, which was powered by a solar collector with a back-up car battery. In the border area, by contrast, U.S. intelligence has not detected massed groups of al Qaeda and Taliban members with prepared figh... Free Essays on War Is Real Free Essays on War Is Real The U.S. moves coincide with reports from Afghan officials in the border area that the United States and its allies were readying another major operation against members of the al Qaeda network and Afghanistan’s Taliban militia, which was ousted from power last year. The United States has blamed al Qaeda for the Sept. 11 attacks on the Pentagon and New York. Advertisement U.S. military officials yesterday reported two firefights in the area, in which U.S. and Australian special forces troops killed four al Qaeda fighters. Army Maj. Gen. Franklin L. â€Å"Buster† Hagenbeck, the U.S. ground commander in Afghanistan, said the two fights occurred northeast of Khost, about a mile from the Pakistani border. In the first incident, Australian forces were attacked with mortar and rocket-propelled grenades, and returned fire, killing two, according to Australian military officials. In the second clash, Hagenbeck said, U.S. and Australian troops ambushed fighters who were moving near Khost before dawn yesterday, killing another two. The operation that appears to be looming promises to be smaller and more diffuse than the offensive against al Qaeda fighters by U.S. and allied forces in the Shahikot region west of Khost in early March. In that battle, which the U.S. military refers to as Operation Anaconda, al Qaeda fighters had dug-in positions with heavy weapons, such as long-range mortars and machine guns configured to shoot down aircraft. TRACKING HANDFULS OF FIGHTERS Cement was poured in some areas to provide firing platforms for the mortars. A communications wire ran from an entrenched position atop a 10,000-foot-high ridge to a nearby bunker serving as a command center, which was powered by a solar collector with a back-up car battery. In the border area, by contrast, U.S. intelligence has not detected massed groups of al Qaeda and Taliban members with prepared figh...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleleyev Essays - Deists, Dmitri Mendeleev

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleleyev Essays - Deists, Dmitri Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleleyev Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleleyev was born in the town of Tobolsk, Siberia on February 8,1834. He was the youngest of the 14 children . His father was the principal of a gymnasium ( a school where there is not only body development but there is also the development of the mind). His mother was very smart and self-educated . She used her brothers stuff who went to a university. In 1847 his father became blind of the cataracts on his eyes and was forced to retire. In order to support this very large family his mother opened a glass factory , but pretty soon the factory burned down in 1848 shortly after his father died. His family had to walk about 1000 miles to Moscow in order to get Dmitry into the University . He was not accepted . He and his then walked to St. Petersburg where he did get into the institute of pedagogy. In 1860 his mother died at the age of 59 , this was four years after he graduated the institute as science and math teacher. He would work in the Crimea until war . In 18 56 he returned to the St. Petersburg in 1856 and finished his MS degree at the St. Petersburg University. ?In 1869 he received a government grant to go get his Ph.D. in Paris with the Physicist Renault? . On the way to Paris he stopped in Poland somewhere near Cracow in order to visit the salt mines. While in the salt mines was the place where his first ideas start to develop. Why should KCl, NaCl, and NaBr look and behave alike. In Paris he work was mainly focused on thethermal expansion of the liquids and a year later he went to the Heidelberg where he became good friends with Borodin . Also worked with Bunsen ( the father of photochemistry) . They dislike each other greatly . When he returned to St. Petersburg in 1861 after completing his Ph.D. and became a professor at the Technical Institute at the age of 27. In 1863 he married one of his sister?s friend largely because of the influence from his sister. He did to really love each other ,but they had two children and mostly lived apart Mendeleev?s mother This picture shows Mendeleev and his wife attending some science convention in St.Petersburg Bibliography 1) Encyclopedia Britannica on-line at Search query :Mendeleev 2)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Morality and ethics Essays - Taxation In The United States

Morality and ethics Essays - Taxation In The United States (Word Count:585) Based on the fact that most people tend to cheat a bit when they see the marginal cost of doing something wrong just this once always seems low, it might seem hard to change the behavior of cheating in the case of IRS. Surprisingly, people tend to pay their taxes at much higher rates than they should. There are many factors that leads to high tax compliance. Just thinking about morality shrinks our fudge factor could make us more honest. Despite Morality training usually will result in no beneficial long-term effect, reminding people of morality and ethics just before being tempted could dramatically make a difference to reduce or even prevent the chances of cheating. IRS uses this technique to warn taxpayers to think about ethics and morality. Deterrence threats and civic norms can also effectively raise tax compliance. The government deter citizens into paying taxes usually by the threat of a nonymous ways such as audits, fines, and legal prosecution. The model of rational crime can be applied in the case of IRS as well. We often rationalize things very quickly to determine the cost and benefit before implementing an action. Since the cost of cheating in this case will result in negative self-image and will even lead to sentence to jail, the benefit of actually being honest and pay the actual amount of tax seems a lot better thus peopl e choose not to cheat. Social norms can also influence taxpayers by emphasizing the importance of voluntary compliance. By reminding taxpayers to be good citizens of the nation, we can improve taxpayers sense of civic duty and improve their morality. This technique is similar to the example in class of recalling the ten commandments before cheating. The rate of cheating falls to zero after they answer the question about the ten commandments regardless of their performance. Also, by providing data for the result of cheating could also lead to cheat reduction. Because one aspect of cheating is related to the surrounding environment. If one taxpayer sees other taxpayers cheat on their tax reports, chances are the rate of cheating will dramatically increase, because the marginal cost of cheating seems low when everyone around cheats and because everyone cheats, the taxpayer will not think about self-image and self-esteem. The IRS could further increase their taxpayers compliance by asking the taxpayers question in the beginning of the form like would you like to give ten dollars to the organization to fight for corruption?. By doing this will not violate the double signature policy and will actually help taxpayers to think more rational and reduce the rate of cheating. If people commit money toward something, a good chance that later on, they will continue acting in a more appropriate and honest behavior and thus lead to an increase in taxpayers compliance. Another way that IRS could increase taxpayers compliance can be done by improve government performance. If citizens cheat a lot on their tax reports, that might also indicate that the government is corrupted. Chinese government is an perfect example of how corrupted government can lead to taxpayers to cheat. Misuse of money and resources will lose peoples faith in the government. generally, citizens are more willingly to pay the correct taxes if th e government delivers good services and welfare in return. Studies suggest that a countrys government corruptness is linearly correlated with citizens rate of cheating. Overall, the key to reduce cheating is to always keep in mind that morality is what makes people succeed.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Elementary science unit plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Elementary science unit plan - Essay Example displaced or pushed aside by an article weigh up more as compared to the object or article itself, the water is capable of holding the object up on its surface. The object floats. 5. Explain with an example, take an aluminum foil and make a boat. Float this boat on the surface of water. It pushes greater amount of water because of its large surface area and therefore the aluminum boat floats. At the same time explain displacement of water by the aluminum boat. 6. Explain the fundamental of surface area of the foil. Now crumple the foil to reduce the surface area. When this crumpled aluminum ball is placed in water it displaces less water as compared to its weight and therefore the crumpled aluminum ball sinks. The main objective is to make the students understand that matter is made up of molecules. Generalization and representational aspects enable students to communicate scientifically with their immediate environment and relate objects which can float and which cannot float. 5. Explain the concept that when boat and other objects which float, are placed in water they push aside enough water to generate a force that keeps the objects on the surface of water and thus the objects such as boats float. 10. Explain the concept why things float? Perform a simple experiment with the help of saltwater or fresh water to explain which is more buoyant? In any way, addition of salt in water affects the buoyancy of water? This could be performed by taking two containers, one with normal water (label as Normal Water) and other with salt water (Label as Salt Water). Place one-one egg in each of the containers. 11. Ask the students to observe carefully. Explain the fundamental that by adding salt the density of water increased. Salt water is denser as compared to the normal water. As soon as eggs are placed in the jars containing normal water and salt water, the egg in the normal water sinks while egg in the saline water floats. This is because of the density of water.

Friday, October 18, 2019

State Curriculum and Standards for the State of South Carolina Essay

State Curriculum and Standards for the State of South Carolina Compared and Contrasted to the State of North Carolina - Essay Example It is based on a philosophy of teaching and learning that is consistent with current research, exemplary practices, and national standards. In South Carolina "Curriculum standards" has been changed into "Academic standards" came into force in 2004. This is a standards document aims to meet students and their parents expectations. In accordance with the South Carolina Educational Accountability Act of 1998, the purpose of academic standards is to provide the basis for the development of local curricula and statewide assessment. To some entent, these two documents are similar as they stipulate the basic standards nationally accepted. In North Carolina the Standard course of study include: Arts Education, Computer/ Technology Skills, English Language Arts, Guidance, Healthful Living, Information Skills, Mathematics, Second Languages, Science, Social Studies, Workforce Development, Dance and Music Education. The Curriculum of South Carolina include less subject covering only English, Foreign Language, Health and Safety, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Visual and Performing Arts fields. So, North and South Carolina have different set of subjects according to their state standards. It should be mentioned that today technological literacy is an integral part of a public school education. Whether or not access to multimedia computers and the Internet are realities for all students, state and national educational establishments, professional organizations and corporations recognize the immediacy of promoting appropriate integration of technology in K-12 classrooms. That is why in both states a particular attention is paid to technology standards for students and teachers which include: woven into curriculum standards, 1 unit of Computer Science required for graduation in South Carolina, and Computer-Technology Skills in North Carolina. For teachers the standards are the same for both state (ISTE foundation standards in State Technology Plan). Both of the states recognize four levels: 1 - Standard level; 2 - Knowledge and Skills level; 3 - Performance Descriptor level; 4 - Grade Level Example. The purpose of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study is to guarantee that all students have equal access to the same basic curriculum. If public education is an avenue to equal opportunity, high standards must be set for all students. The Standard Course of Study does not seek to prescribe how schools should organize themselves or how teachers should instruct. Rather, the curriculum sets standards against which schools and teachers may judge their success. In contrast to South Carolina pays more precise attention to the question how schools should organize themselves in order to help students to achieve their goals. The North Carolina ABCs Accountability Plan establishes performance standards which specify the level of proficiency a student must reach in order to have met specific content standards in specified subject areas. These performance standards are indicators of proficiency for those content areas that are tested. Today, however, the challenge of education is to prepare students for a rapidly changing world. According to standards adopted in South and North Carolina students should be prepared to: compete in a global economy, understand and operate complex communication and information systems,

Fahrenheit 451 is a comment on modern technology Essay

Fahrenheit 451 is a comment on modern technology - Essay Example The firemen in the novel are government employees who burn and destroy books (Beley 146). The story revolves around Montag’s struggle to appease his frustration for the conformist society he is part of and to resist the book-burning totalitarian regime (Monahan 54). One of the messages the author gives across is that the people are responsible themselves for the sorry state for affairs that they are in. Bradbury supports the idea that men should be self-thinkers and be able to understand what constitutes right and wrong rather than letting the government do the decision-making. He argues that this can be achieved by perusing of erudite texts that reflect upon the mistakes of the past and provide critical analysis of the different aspects of life like religion, politics etc. The author believes that the great value of books in our lives is to promote independent thinking and free thought (Piddock 66). The novel is a comment on modern technology. This notion is exemplified frequently at several places in the novel. One of the main ideologies of the book is that technology deprives individuals from indulging in activities like literary discourse, the thought process of reflection and promotion of individual consciousness. Bradbury has acutely portrayed a society that does not appreciate the worth of books. Firemen are actually book-burners, illustrating how technology has replaced literature from the lives of the common man. The novel paints a grave picture of the society where people drive fast, watch television day in and day out and listen to Seashell Radio sets. The symbolism associated with the use of these radio sets is the alienation of people. The author reveals in the book, â€Å"And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talking coming in (12).† The Seashell radios are an allusion to headphones now being used commonly in the modern world. In the novel,

To what extent has the current financial crisis affected people's Essay

To what extent has the current financial crisis affected people's living standards in the UK - Essay Example Similarly, the real income remains at levels in 2002 whereas Consumer Price Inflation has risen by 25% (Croucher, 2013). This indicates the growing disparity between people’s purchasing power and the cost of commodities. Therefore, people are worse off with the increased prices and falling incomes. The commodity prices in UK have been affected largely by the current financial crisis. Prior to the financial crisis, the rapid oil price hike (including that in UK) had generated hope that the UK government would focus on renewable energy projects. However, the oil prices stabilized following the global recession owing to falling demand for fuel (Alvarez-Ramirez et al., 2012). As a result, the prices of commodities in UK, including both direct commodities such as petroleum and indirect commodities such as food stabilized. On the contrary, prices of diamonds saw a sharp decline in 2008 which was followed by a â€Å"rebound† whereby diamond prices exceeded equilibrium levels ( White & Rowley, 2013). This is referred to as a â€Å"commodity boom†. Thereafter, in 2011 when economic activity slowed down, the commodity prices suffered a fallback from their previously high levels. Commodity exporting countries such as the UK are greatly dependent on demand from commodity importing countries and BRIC economies such as India and China. Until 2007 and the first half of 2008, commodity prices increased rapidly due to boom in demand from India and China. However, the recessionary pressures soon caused demand for fuel and other commodities to slow down in these economies (El-Gamal & Jaffe, 2010). The international commodity demand for base metals soared with the demand for oil increasing simultaneously. This had led to an increase in food-based inflation with an increase in prices of petrol, food and other expenses. This inflation held back the Central Bank from reducing interest rates to provide financial comfort to UK citizens during the credit crunch. Furt hermore, with falling economic activity and new housing construction, construction contracts by the UK government also fell significantly from 2007 to 2009 (BBC News, 2012). This reduced the fall in demand for energy with the affect of a short-lived descent in oil prices in the UK during the period. The price of Gold, on the other hand, has been steadily rising following the recession. This is because gold has historically been viewed as a safe haven for investors to save their money during times of economic volatility. Gold boomed as stock markets collapsed and large amounts of money were printed with the dollar â€Å"floundering†. Furthermore, in the financial crisis marked by illiquidity, gold provided a highly liquid investment for investors (Shafiee & Topal, 2010). Emerging markets have had a â€Å"worst-than-expected† demand which shows how demand has fallen drastically resulting in a fall in overall commodity prices in the UK. To conclude, the financial crash ha d the effect of reducing or stabilizing the prices of fuel such as oil which had a spiraling effect on the prices of other commodities. One of the biggest causes of this (as highlighted earlier) has been the falling demand of commodities from BRIC economies in the aftermath of the crisis which has put prices of commodity exporting countries such as UK on a backburner. Furthermore, prices of gold increased due to strengthening of dollar

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Selflies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Selflies - Essay Example This practice lets some people to meet their need in community attention and acceptance especially if they are posted online. They gather approving likes and comments which nurture their self-confidence and confirmation of their physical beauty. If they are taken for personal use only, they can boost self-confidence as well; moreover, they can state the narcissist personality of the agent (Burns, 2014). For those who want to look even better, there are different apps which can improve one’s appearance by making the body slimmer, changing facial features or putting makeup on (Waterland, 2012). They only increase the value of physical beauty and create unrealistic beauty standards which are most painful for young people and women. Overall, this practice to post selfies everywhere is very annoying. People who regularly post their selfies online seldom think that this practice can be disliked by some people. In this way, they often react inadequately if someone asks them to stop doing that. Moreover, they tend to say that they do not care about what other people think; at the same time, it remains their primary purpose. I think that in some cases people just do not feel the limit of patience other people have concerning others self-representation. Some create Instagram profiles with a sole purpose to post photos of themselves there. The amount of photos they post is directly related to dependence on public opinion or narcissism. It can be easily defined either by hash tags people use or comments which follow their post. Some of them ask directly to comment on their makeup, clothing style, hairstyle etc. Others do not bother with such things and add hash tags me, beautiful or selfie to their posts. This practice will remain relevant even if people ban it in social media because it is the easiest way to boost self-confidence for some

BUSN U5IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BUSN U5IP - Research Paper Example Unit –5 Regression Analyses Introduction This assignment conducts three linear regression tests for three pairs of independent and dependent variables. The data used to conduct the tests were obtained from a survey conducted by AIU. The regression tests were conducted using Excel’s built-in function. The following paragraphs present the results and analyses of tests. Results of Tests Table 1 Regression Output of Variables Benefits vs. Intrinsic Job Satisfaction Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.030092219 R – Square 0.000905542 Adjusted R square -0.004408791 Standard Error 0.876576061 Observations 190    Coefficient Y- intercept 4.524522995 Slope 0.151207676 Note: Benefits = X; Intrinsic job satisfaction = Y Figure 1. Regression line Benefits vs. Intrinsic job satisfaction Table 2 Regression Output of Variables Benefits vs. Extrinsic Job Satisfaction Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.026855348 R – Square 0.00072121 Adjusted R square -0.004594103 Standar d Error 1.024951959 Observations 190    Coefficient Y- intercept 5.750215066 Slope -0.157769935 Note: Benefits = X; Extrinsic job satisfaction = Y Figure 2. Regression line Benefits vs. Extrinsic job satisfaction Table 3 Regression Output of Variables Benefits vs. ... nsic job satisfaction 0.15 4.52 Y = 4.52 + 0.15 X 0.000905542 Extrinsic job satisfaction -0.16 5.75 Y = 5.75 – 0.16 X 0.00072121 Overall job satisfaction -0.07 4.96 Y = 4.96 – 0.07 X 0.0001144390 Note: Benefits = X Analysis of Results and Conclusion The assignment conducted three separate linear regression analyses in order to establish a relationship between independent and dependent variables obtained through a survey. The relationship between the two variables, in this case, is expressed through the linear regression equation, y = a + bx. In this equation a is called intercept of Y-axis and b is called slope of the regression line (â€Å"University of New England†, n.d.). The slope indicates how changes in values of independent variable affect changes of dependent variable. The slope b may receive a positive or a negative value. A positive slope defines that the dependent variable increases as the independent increases while the negative implies dependent vari able decreases while the independent variable increases. Table 4 displays one positive and two negative slopes. Thus, Y = 4.52 + 0.15 X defines that both Benefits and Intrinsic job satisfaction move in the same direction, which suggests that the increase of benefits increases intrinsic job satisfaction. However, Y = 5.75 – 0.16 X defines that the variables Benefits and Extrinsic job satisfaction move in different directions. It means an increase of Benefits decreases extrinsic job satisfaction. Regression equations Y = 5.75 – 0.16 X, and Y = 4.96 – 0.07 X demonstrate negative relationships between independent and dependent variables while Y = 4.52 + 0.15 X displays positive relationship between independent and dependent variables. The Excel regression statistics evaluates linear correlation coefficient